You Got This !
My to do list tells me:
“ You Got This”.
Do I really though? Spring has sprung out of climate control. From 50 degrees to 70 then to 40 then to 90. Frosts and hailstorms with a slice of humidity on the side. Replacing dried out plants from dry winters and non existent wet springs, clients moving, adding new beds, expanding budgets. Just when I think I can rest there is always something with the “book”. Promoting, marketing, maybe interviews, people slow to review or write one. I must admit people have only had it in their hands for less than 2 weeks and most don’t read as fast as me ( a trait from my father that I just was made aware of, we can absorb books in a setting or sitting). Probably why its easy for me to gush out a chapter of thoughts when I get to really talk or have a stillness to write.
I’m moving like the weeds, things are trying to cut me down and dig me up and I keep popping back up proving that I belong here? Maybe? That’s what they do except they are disliked and I am liked. Am I liked or am I attractive because I’m bringing something new to the table of creative chaos? Most weedy plants used to be desired until they moved and shifted to become dominant, then invasive. But plants only do that when they have been given optimal environment to reach their full potential without disturbance and or competition. So…..
I’ve been writing down my thoughts for over 3 decades and I’m my own competition, which means I have none. Now I just have to act like I got this.
Do I really though?